Friday, November 03, 2006

JP636 Waterstop Expansion Joint

Movie file illustrates the proper placement of Earth Shield® (part no. JP636 as manufactured by JP Specialties, Inc.) ribbed centerbulb waterstop in a concrete expansion joint. 3-D orbit point isometric. For help with your specific waterstop application, consult with JP Specialties technical sales & engineering staff.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Monday, December 19, 2005

Earth Shield® Achieves GreenSpec® Certification

Today I achieved another milestone for my company and the product we manufacture — Earth Shield® Chemical Resistant Waterstop — by becoming the first (and only) waterstop in the world to achieve GreenSpec® approved status.

Greenspec is a publication of BuildingGreen, Inc. that independently evaluates construction material's "greenness". Products are considered "green" when they are eco-friendly and contribute to the sustainable design of a structure. Click here for more info.

GreenSpec independently evaluates materials for inclusion to their directory, so the subjective nature can make for a protracted submission process .

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Thermoplastic Vulcanizate Waterstop

Waterstop Basic Use
Earth Shield Thermoplastic Elastomeric Rubber Waterstop (TPE) is used as a fluid-tight diaphragm, embedded in concrete, across and along the joint, for primary and secondary containment structures. Earth Shield Chemical Resistant Waterstops are resistant to a wide range of oils, solvents, and aggressive chemicals. Alcohol, ketones, glycols, esters, and aqueous solutions of acids, salts, and bases have little effect on Earth Shield TPE-Rubber Waterstop.

Unlike polyvinyl chloride (PVC) waterstop, Earth Shield waterstop contains no plasticizer, stabilizer, or filler to leech out when exposed to chemicals, fuels, and aggressive industrial fluids. Also, unlike PVC waterstop, Earth Shield can withstand prolonged exposure to high and low temperatures (-78°F to 275°F long term) without detrimental effect.

The superior chemical resistance of Earth Shield TPE-Rubber Waterstop is enhanced by the use of a ribbed centerbulb configuration, which is available in a 4, 6, and 9-inch width. This provides for greater mechanical bonding with the concrete and a barrier against migration of liquid flow around the waterstop. The ribbed centerbulb style also allows for joint movement and may be used in above or below grade applications. Additional shapes are available for retrofit, extreme expansion, stainless steel and base seal applications.

Different varieties and grades of TPE are commercially available. On the low-end there is thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO), which has a rubber phase that is not cross-linked. On the high-end there is thermoplastic vulcanizate (TPV)... Earth Shield has chosen a fully cross-linked TPV as our standard elastomer compound, which provides superior mechanical properties, retention, and chemical resistance. In fact, when compared side-by-side, no competitive product is even close to achieving the physical properties of Earth Shield.

Earth Shield waterstop is suitable for use in potable water and is certified per NSF/ANSI Standard 61. Earth Shield is the only embedded waterstop to achieve this important certification.

Typical Applications
Primary and Secondary Containment
Waste Water Treatment Plants
Ozone Contactor Structures & Water Treatment
Mining Facilities
Fueling Areas
Chemical Plants
Manure Pits
And Many More