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Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad in Colton, CA Railyard with concrete containment dikes. Earth Shield® Chemical and Fuel Resistant Waterstop is used throughout the railroad industry to contain accidental hazardous waste spills, including biofuels and diesel. |
Thursday, March 15, 2012
BNSF Railroad in Colton, CA Concrete Diking Containment
Thursday, February 09, 2012
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When you really need the best, contact "The Waterstop Experts" at JP Specialties, Inc. We can answer your questions and ship even the largest jobs quickly. Free blueprint take-offs and shop drawings are available. |
Friday, December 16, 2011
JP Specialties Donates to Dream Makers
Every year, JP Specialties, Inc (Earth Shield® Waterstop) donates a significant amount of money to a charity around holiday time. The past several years we supported a national cause (Shriner's Hospital for Children). This year, we decided to do something much closer to home and support one of the local charter schools: Temecula Preparatory School. (TPS website at http://www.temeculaprep.com/ ) Charter schools receive far less funding than standard public schools and are badly in need of help from corporate partners and concerned parents. The school's PTA (PTA website at http://www.tpspats.com/ ) created the Dream Maker program for corporate partners to help make teacher's and student's dreams come true. JP Specialties, Inc. (http://www.jpspecialties.com/) is proud to be the inaugural corporate partner and today, Friday, Dec. 16th the winning "dreams" will be announced at the school's "Winter Wonderland" festivities. More details on "Dream Makers" can be found here http://idisk.me.com/david_r_p/Public/DreamMaker.pdf and JP Specialties, Inc. encourages other local businesses to support this outstanding asset to our community. ---More info from David Poole 951-334-3440
Friday, September 23, 2011
TPE and TPV... My Definition
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
RCRA and SPCC Fines for Roanoke, VA Company
ROANOKE, VA -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced today that a chemical distributor in Roanoke, Va. has agreed to pay a $43,967 penalty and complete more than $200,000 in safety improvements to settle alleged violations of federal environmental laws designed to protect and inform the public about hazardous chemicals.
The company, Chemicals and Solvents, Inc. (doing business as Chemsolv, Inc.) is located at 1111 Industry Ave., S.E., Roanoke. The settlement applies to Chemsolv and Austin Holdings-VA, LLC, owner of two of three properties that make up the facility.
According to an EPA complaint, the alleged violations include the facility’s lack of fire protection, inadequate secondary containment, and improper storage of incompatible chemicals. Other violations concern the company’s failure to fully implement its risk management program that is designed to help prevent chemical releases, and the company’s failure to submit required documentation to state, county and local officials for the facility’s numerous hazardous chemicals. States and communities can use this information to improve chemical safety and to protect public health and the environment in the event of a release.
The settlement announced today follows up on an EPA order in June 2008 for Chemsolv to take extensive measures to ensure that its storage facilities complied with industry standards and risk management program regulations. To comply with the order, Chemsolv rebuilt two large warehouses at the facility.
In the settlement, Chemsolv has agreed to pay a cash penalty of $43,967, and to implement two additional safety upgrades that exceed regulatory requirements: (1) installation of a nitrogen blanketing system on 20 storage tanks containing flammable materials at a cost of $153,000, and (2) installation of a dry disconnect system on hoses at the facility, which will eliminate drips and accidental spills during loading and unloading of chemicals, at a cost of $63,000. In the settlement documents, the company neither admitted nor denied liability for the alleged violations.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
RCRA and Clean Water Act Violations Force DOW Settlement
JP Specialties, Inc. / Earth Shield® is the leading manufacturer of chemical resistant waterstop solutions and has recently begun supplying DOW projects throughout Michigan with chemical resistant waterstop to avoid future RCRA and Clean Water Act violations.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
New York DEC Releases Fracking Report With Secondary Containment Requirements
Those opposed to the practice argue that the recommendations allow the state to apply double standards to protecting drinking water supplies.
The recommendations contain these major revisions:
•High-volume fracturing would be prohibited in the New York City and Syracuse watersheds, including a buffer zone.
•Drilling would be prohibited within primary aquifers and within 500 feet of their boundaries.
•Surface drilling would be prohibited on state-owned land including parks, forest areas and wildlife management areas.
•High-volume fracturing will be permitted on privately held lands under rigorous and effective controls.
•DEC will issue regulations to codify these recommendations into state law.
The Department’s review has resulted in recommendations for controls on high-volume fracturing on private lands such as:
Protecting Drinking Water
• Well water and other water protection: No permits would be issued for sites within 500 feet of a private water well or domestic use spring. No permits may be issued for a proposed site within 2,000 feet of a public drinking water supply well or reservoir at least until three years of experience elsewhere have been evaluated. No permits will be issued for well pads within a 100-year floodplain.
•Additional Well Casing to Prevent Gas Migration: In most cases, an additional third, cemented well casing is required around each well to prevent the migration of gas. The three required casings are the surface casing, the new intermediate casing and the production casing.
• Spill control: Flowback water on site must use watertight tanks within a secondary containment. No open containment may be used. Secondary containment for all fracturing additive containers, additive staging areas and flowback tanks will be required.
• Stormwater Control: Strict stormwater control measures will be required.
Regulating Water Withdrawals
A special permit will be required to withdraw large volumes of water for industrial and commercial purposes.
All withdrawals from surface water bodies will be subject to limits to prevent impacts upon ecosystems and other water quantity requirements. Identification of the water source an applicant intends to use will be required. An annual report must be issued on the aggregate amount of water it has withdrawn.
Applicants must have DEC-approved plans for disposing of flowback water and production brine. DEC would institute a process to monitor disposal of flowback water, production brine, drill cuttings and other drilling waste streams that is similar to the handling of medical waste.
Taking Localities into Account
DEC would notify local governments of each well permit application for high-volume fracturing. Applicant must certify that a proposed activity is consistent with local land use and zoning laws. Failure to certify or a challenge by a locality would trigger additional DEC review before a permit could be issued.
Identifying Fluid Chemicals
The 2011 environmental report identifies 322 chemicals proposed for use in New York and includes health hazard information for each as identified by the NYS Department of Health. Applicants must fully disclose to DEC all products utilized in the high-volume fracturing process. Applicants must agree to publicly disclose the names of the additives, subject to appropriate protections for proprietary information. Operators will be required to evaluate using alternative additives that pose less potential risk.
Protecting the Air
Enhanced air pollution controls on engines used at well pads will be required. DEC will monitor local and regional air quality at well pads and surrounding areas. The use of existing pipelines will be required rather than flaring gas.
Conserving Habitats
Disturbing the surface of the land is strictly restricted in forests of 150 acres or more, or grasslands of 30 acres or more, by requiring applicants to comply with best management practices.
The DEC report says the 2009 SGEIS did not adequately consider the community and socioeconomic impacts of high-volume fracturing. DEC officials say they have engaged independent consultants to thoroughly research these types of effects, such as:
• Socio-economic conditions including positive and negative impacts.
• Transportation infrastructure, current road use and the impacts of increased traffic.
• Visual and noise impacts.
DEC expects the research to be completed by July 31. This research will be considered and reflected in the final draft of the report.
Upon final adoption of the permitting standards, DEC will implement a system of oversight, monitoring and enforcement with close consultation with local governments and communities.
A High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing Advisory Panel, composed of outside environmental and industry experts and local government representatives, will be charged with developing recommendations for:
• funding to ensure the proper oversight, monitoring and enforcement by state and county agencies responsible for drilling activities and reviewing water sampling data.
• measures to minimize socioeconomic and other impacts on local governments and communities;
•a fee structure for drilling development.
• a mechanism for the funding of infrastructure improvements.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Earth Shield Supplies Chemical Resistant Waterstop to New GE Sodium Nickel Battery Plant That President Obama Promoted During Recent Visit
Monday, December 27, 2010
Ireland Oil Regulations Enhanced
- Commercial premises e.g. shops, garages, offices etc.
- Industrial premises e.g. factories, quarries, workshops etc.
- Institutional premises e.g. civic buildings, hospitals, police stations, multi-residential dwellings, blocks of flats, apartments etc.
- Domestic premises with an installed capacity greater than 3,500 litres
- Waste oil storage and collection facilities e.g. civic amenity sites
- Companies who refine and distribute oil and who are not regulated by The Control of Major Accident Hazards (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2000, storing 2,500 tonnes of oil or more.
- Fixed storage tanks
- Intermediate bulk containers (IBCs)
- Drums
- Bowsers and other similar, mobile storage / dispensing tanks
- Tanks, drums and any other storage containers must be strong enough to store oil without bursting.
- Oil storage containers should be positioned to minimise the risk of vehicular impact
- A secondary containment system (e.g. bund) should be incorporated within the installation to contain any oil spilt from the primary storage container, ancillary equipment or pipework.
- The secondary containment system must be able to store a minimum of 110% of the primary storage container. Where more than one container is stored, the system must be able to contain either 110% of the capacity of the largest storage container of 25% of the aggregate total - whichever is the greater.
- The base and walls of any bund must be impermeable to oil e.g. they must be able to contain oil for a minimum of 72 hours. Additionally, the bund must not be permeated by any pipe or valve, capable of draining the storage system.
- Aboveground pipework must be properly supported and underground pipework must be protected from physical and chemical damage and have adequate leakage protection in place.
- All new oil storage facilities must comply by 20 September 2011
- Existing oil storage facilities within 10 metres of a waterway or within 50 metres of a well, borehole or spring must comply by 20 March 2013.
- All remaining oil storage facilities should comply by 31 December 2015.