Saturday, August 24, 2019

Integrated Expansion Board Cap Waterstop

Integrated expansion board cap waterstop systems are designed to replace post-applied joint sealant, and provide a fluid-tight internal seal like a traditional waterstop with a one-step, integrated unit. Install Earth Shield® expansion board cap waterstop on top of conventional expansion board filler or Earth Shield’s chemical resistant, plastic expansion board. The expansion board acts as the form; therefore, no form splitting is necessary, significantly accelerating the project schedule and provides a long-lasting, attractive finished concrete joint. Earth Shield® screed key cap slides over the top of the metal screed key, eliminating the need for sealant. Like all our thermoplastic vulcanizate waterstops, Earth Shield® integrated cap system waterstop can be heat-welded using a standard waterstop splicing iron allowing for easy field fabrications and allows the waterstop to function as a continuous, homogeneous, fluid-tight diaphragm. Waterstop directional changes are available along with straight roll stock. Custom, fit-to-print waterstop modules are produced to order. Prefabricated ells, tees, tank pads, column fittings, and many others are in stock and ready to ship.